TEL: (1) 6472981234 EA License: Z-828268

梁婉蘭(加拿大) Christina Leung
MEhome Realty (Ontario) Inc.
No: 05 - Property for sale at Overseas 海外物業出售
Concord Sky 多倫多塔楼公寓  CONCORD SKY TOWER, TORONTO   5.00M

梁婉蘭(加拿大) Christina Leung
(1) 6472981234

實用面積 S.A.(sq.ft.):    Bedroom Bathroom Car park
住宅物業介紹 Residential Introduction:
NO: 016360-22936/2025-02-05 07:41:02 瀏覽次數: 1209 (Visited)


Concord Skycrapper with 95-storey tower in Toronto Downtown will be launched in January 2022.  Please contact us at +1-647-298-1234 for floor list, floor plan and other details to get VIP access.

 Concord Sky公寓项目的层高为95层,会达到299米高,当大楼拔地而起之时,它也将成为多伦多最高的住宅建筑。这绝无仅有的设计,也将极大提升公寓的投资价值。

Concord Sky地处多伦多市中心核心位置(Yonge 和 Gerrard交界),邻伊顿中心(Eaton Centre)和登达士广场(Dundas Square

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